Strangely enough me and the wonderful Abby obsess over each others blogs more then anyone elses blogs even though we know every little tiny thing about each other. We are constantly yelling at each other to blog more, and then when we don't, we throw things at each other in dissapoint and estrange from one another for years at a time. Luckily our estranging days are over and there is nothing left but giddy girly love.
In an attempt to entertain each other and end our absense from blog land, we decided to see how many hats we could put on our heads and then blog about it, because obviously, this is entertaining ...
In my effort to do this I successfully turned myself into some sort of character i feel would fit very nicely into a Dr Seuss book... which is never bad and always good.
I am very excited to see how many hats scabbles managed to pop on her head as well!
Have fun blog comrads