Friday, October 29, 2010

Death by Corn Cob...

Last night, I was spending some quality time with the green geishas, when we were fortunate enough to stumble across this movie on foxtel. Its called the Sleepwalkers and its based on a Stephen King novel that was never published. Stephen King himself even does a cameo in it. Anyway, I have never laughed so hard at an early 90's horror movie. There were countless one-liners and hilarious storylines that went on weird and wonderful tangets. I highly suggest you see it. I have only spoiled one hilarious scene, death by corn cob, but you just wait till you see the rest of the movie.

Thank you Stephen King... Thank you


do you want cheese on yours said...

Corn cob??? thats so bad-ass!!! why didn't O.J Simpson think of that!

Hannah said...

Jarhead, you have to see this movie.. its incredible. P.S im about to watch man vs wild! YEEAH BOI!

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